Get to know me

Hey there fellow road tripper/adventurer!

I'm Courtney. After embarking on several short road trips through Utah and Colorado, I discovered just how much the United States has to offer. Inspired by these adventures, I realized there's no better time than now to explore even more. That's why, starting in April 2025, I'll be setting out on a multi-month US road trip, living out of my car and embracing the open road.

I created this blog as a space to compile all the essential information I'll need once I hit the road. My hope is that what I learn along the way will also be useful to others. Everything you'll find here is based on my own research, conversations with fellow road trippers, and personal experiences.

Join me on this journey as we learn together, and I hope the insights and experiences I share will be helpful to you too. Below, you'll find some fun facts to get to know me better. Thanks for following my adventure!

Girl sitting in a cave in Kanab, Utah
Girl sitting in a cave in Kanab, Utah

My Favorite Things:

Family: My husband Chase and two pups, Luna and Oakley.

Outdoor Activities: Scuba diving, hiking, kayaking, and camping. Recently, I've started learning how to boulder which has been a lot of fun.

Travel Destinations So Far: The "Mighty Five" national parks in Utah, road tripping through all of Colorado, having wine in Italy, and learning about the culture in Finland.

My Personality:

When it comes to my personality, people describe me as spontaneous. You never know where I'm going to be heading next. Constantly changing and trying new things helps me feel like I keep growing as a person. There is so much to see and do in this world and I just want to experience as much as I can when I can. As cliche as it sounds, you truly never know how long you have until it's gone. My goal is to live this life to the fullest, find the positives in everything, and learn as much as I can along the way.

Want to Collab or Get in Touch?

Feel free to fill out the form or send over an email. I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
